Its been a while I have written on the blog. I was kind of occupied with other studies! Suddenly I noticed a surge in bandwidth usage in my service provider’s report. Something is happening with javapapers. I quickly checked analytics report and found in recent months there is a surge in number of visitors to the website.
Ooh hah! We have crossed ONE MILLION Pageviews. Rarely I see blog authors sharing their site visitor statistics as it might affect the revenue plan. I am happy to share the little stats with you. Its all happening because of you. Thank you!
Its been a slow and steady growth till the last few months. Growth in number of direct visitors is significant in the last couple of months. Similarly from the last couple of months the total Pageviews growth are close to 100%. Almost I am experiencing an explosion in the last few months. This is a successful first step for a blogger and still long way to go. Thanks to Google for all the search traffic and many free tools.
There might be some silent period in between, but I will keep on coming back and annoy you! There is a lot to write about and I will keep on writing. More and more when I try to make it simpler and easier, in direct proportion I learn many new things.
Comments are closed for "Its 1 Million now – Thank You".
Congratulations! this blog is useful for any java developer!
This site seems to have some fantastic stuff.
[The look n feel is the best I have ever seen.]
Keep it up. I will be more than happy to revisit soon.
This site really helpful for Java developers.
Great job…
good work, keep it up, it’s really helpful…
Its Worth visiting this website….good work keep it up and Congrats…
Good Work… Keep going..
good work , congrats…
Well organized….Fine work….This is very simple n useful site….
You are genuine with your writing, means you write what you experience and in a simple language, that is what people like us are looking for :)
You are good in explaining the things.
Thank you for your blog.
Wish best luck for your future.
Really Congrats..! Good job. Keep on going..!
This site is worth to visit. We are expecting more from you….
the blog is amazing
Congratulations !!
this blog is awesome for any java aspirant
love your posts,
keep up the good job …
simple and easy to understand
I just bookmarked it.
Congratulations!! You are doing a great job with your blog and you really deserve that. :)
I landed up in your site searching Heap & stack. I learned it hard way 10 yrs ago, from Bill Venners book “Inside the Java2 Virtual Machine” (I have to place an order with Landmark to get it, purposely I avoided Reddy Xerox). But now you have changed the whole concept of learning things. I am happy that you find time to update with very useful information on top of your hectic work schedule. I am sure soon you will be towards 10 million mark in very short time.
@KV Thank you for the appreciations.
Really cool website with lot of information about basic concepts which is more understandable
Joe,Fantastic.Your website is simply super and even a new guy can know the concept better.
Great Job and May God Bless you all the time.
great job Mr.Joe,it is a fantastic blog for java.
Paradigm Infotech(Hyderabad)
Thanks, for the insightful peeks into java giving totally new , refreshing dimension
Presentation is crisp, lucid.
As a suggestion, you can always good links as in some of the articles for more detailed knowledge.
Kudos for the great job , keep going.
Congratulations!! You deserve this.. :)
As Goldest(2nd comment) said, the look and feel of the blog is awesome!!
congrats man…..
Congrats Sir!Share your views on Frameworks such as Hibernate, Spring, Struts too
thanks alot sir !!!!!!.
thanks for your contribution.
i never seen a blog like this.
i simply prepared one PDF by collection all posts in this blog.
really very excellent blog for any javadeveloper.
please post any many as on ANDRIOD. :)
sharing knowledge with simple understandable language which is use-full to grow blog readers careers is always ‘good’ is a small word gr8 achievement keep going with valuable knowledge sharing
Really its a great blog. Thanks for your great love to JAVA.
Keep it up!
thanks a lot!!!
nice blog
luvd it…:)
Excellent blog, I read couple of papers and I was excited to read more.
Keep going!
An interesting blog for Java geeks. Te most I liked is the way of presentation.
i would like tell u , plz give some blogs related to spring transaction.
Good joe anna. Happy to hear that. The way to represent things in simple manner is awesome.
great news , congrats and thanks for all your efforts on sharing knowledge
Its very useful and effective for java people
Dear Joe,
The Design Patterns part is very useful and very understandable for people at Beginner level too . And i appreciate your effort and your contribution to the community .My kind request to you is post some tutorials on Webservice and SOA concepts .
I am happy that you haven’t included any Ads.
Keep Going ..
Today is my day one at your site and I am impressed.. Thank you joe . Please keep guiding us.
enjoy and keep posting
nice mr java leggend
JAVA MADE CRYSTAL CLEAR. Please keep writing more articles.