Why Are You?
Last modified on July 25th, 2014 by Joe.
I had to write this article because of few frequent comments/emails I have received. Many of them are positive, helpful, some are disappointing and few are derogatory. Though I have learnt to live with all those, some of the questions are sincere and so I wish to respond to my readers.

- Why are you not writing about Spring, Struts, Hibernate, etc?
I wish to write some more articles on fundamentals of Java. They are not Java, those are all frameworks built on or for Java. I will come to them after I have covered java to some good extent. Dear friend, please wait for some more time, I too love all these and more. I will come to them soon.
- Why are you writing about very basic concepts? I know them all.
If you know them all and just want to learn advanced concepts only, identify the right resource. Internet is huge and go to the place which suits your need.
- Why are you writing about known topics? They have been already written.
Do you know how many Java books are published till now? All those books write about the same topics over and over and why not? It is not re-inventing the wheel! Though its a wheel, its different.
- Why are you writing about a very old concept?
Darwin’s theory is very old, still there are many new publications happening around. I have my own style of writing and love to present in my unique style. It might be old for you, do you know how many ‘likes’ I get for those articles?
- Why are you not answering to my comment/email?
I get close to hundred comments/email on a peak day. I can’t even read all those comments and I may not even read your comment ever. I spend my weekends and very little free time available and try my best to respond to everybody. If I missed you don’t take it hard, its not intentional.
- Why are you not writing on the topic which I have asked?
Read the above answer and added to that, the topic you have asked may not be of interest to me. But for your information, 80% of the articles which I have written are asked by users.
- Why are you not helping with my project / assignment / error?
Did I told you that i will? But still, I have helped some school kids for their assignment. Since, I was very much attracted with the problem they gave me and I felt it as a challenge.
- Why are you having this design? I don’t like it.
Can you design/suggest a theme which you like. Let me see if it attracts me.
- Why are you running this blog?
I enjoy a finer relationship with my regular readers, got nice friends through this. I learned infinite knowledge through this blog and readers. Got some fame too. Above all it gives me a sense of satisfaction after I post an article. I am human, every appreciation I receive from my readers makes me happier.
- Why are you not disclosing/sharing the revenue with us?
I am running this blog for more than three years and I am doing this with my own investment (time & money) and I am not earning $ from this. I am employed fulltime in a great organisation and it takes care of me well.
- Why are you not writing daily?
I spend my freetime with javapapers and this freetime is a scarce resource.
- Can I write for javapapers?
If you don’t understand the above and still going to ask me difficult questions, instead of giving sincere answer I have the choice to give a common simpler answer and you know what it is.
Hey Joe, we love javapapers. It is the best java blog.
we love javapapers. keep up the good work
Hi Joe,
Your java blog, helps lot.. Keep on your good work..
Got all ans …….thanks
Ppl throw stones only on those trees which have fruits..please go on Joe…Ur blogs are really helpful..
Yeah this is very good educational site for java. I am learning more things from this blog.
Dont waste your time to answer for those foolish questions. Continue your good job. We love your approach (Starts from scratch).
Java Papers Rocks!!!
Hai Joe,
First of all, I extend my sincere thanks to you and on behalf of all readers of JavaPapers.
The concepts and the simpler manner in which they are presented is excellent. JavaPapers inculcates the interest for Java in readers. Hats off Joe.
Hai Joe,
People are asking you about the things that are basic java concept.If they are saying that those are available on net that is true but the main thing about your article is the CLEAR CONCEPT on the things you are writing.That is not available on other tutorial on various sites.
Hope they can understand these things !!!
Keep your spirit, its valuable to more people those needs rather than few that don’t.
Hi Joe,
I love Java Papers,
this blog is more helping in my basics, with simple manner.
Please go onnn. Don’t waste ur time for answering all these.
this blog is more helpful
Hi Joe,
This blog is a very useful and a precious resource for all beginners like me. Don’t get worried about anything. You are doing really a great work.
please explain how to improve the programming skills??
even your blog to teach well to others..
Conceptually , this is good blog. Pls keep on writing….:)
your way of explaining is good.
just keep going.
hi sir this ur student..keep on writing sir..am really enjoy to read your java papers…
Thanks and regards
Hi Joe,
Keep going! Don’t listen to jerks.
You try to provide insight! This is way different from many other sites and books which simply repeats sections of a ‘reference’ without trying to give insight as to why!
Go for it, Joe!
Hi Joe,
No need to consider these senseless views..So many Love your blog and love the way u post the java topics.Many are benefiting from this blog..Keep on Going…
Thanks! Keep up the good work!
Superb !!!!!!!!!!!
Like your way of writing :)
Can u please write some how on advance java like framework jsf and spring?? Actually i dnt know r u compatible wd it or nt?
I have gained much knowledge
by reading this blog. Thanks for writing the concepts with good examples.
pls continue writing
You are doing a very good job please keep up the good work. Thank you for sharing your precious knowledge with us . :)
Thanks for guidens… Keep it up
Respected Sir,
Am really obliged by the content I found here.
Its really appreciable that you take so much effort. Please, never stop writing. Thank You…
When Elephant is on his way,dogs always barks. Dont care about silly comment
Plz keep up this good work,i luv javapapers
Thank you all for the good words, appreciations and great support.
I have learnt many things by reading your articles and lot of my doubts got cleared and helped a lot.
Really Thanks for ur effort and keep it up!!
Actually nw i m clear tht it is a blog of corejava !! So no issue about framework!! ok!!
Actually concepts u write here is really helpful to me!!
Way of writing and core concepts understands java very easily!!
Nice Job that you are doing keep it up…
Hey Joe You Are The Best And Dont Worry About Those Comments…
I Like Your Blog And Regular Reader Of Your Articles, You are The Best…Keep it up Bro.
You Have Cleared All My Basic Concepts In Java.Thanks To You.
Joe & JP(Java Papers) rocks! Keep up the good work.
i really love java papers. i got some of the basic concepts really clear which i misunderstood.
pls keep up the good work.
Hai Joe,
It is your satisfaction to write on your own blog and the readers will read your blog if they find answers to there questions. But I think you shouldn’t answer to those foolish questions because it is upto you to write on your own blog.
But actually I really thankful to you for these articles which are giving me in depth knowledge of my subject. Thank you very much and god bless you Joe.
Hai Joe,
Can you explain about ThreadLocal in java, i think it is very useful…
Great work Mr.Joe continue…. excepting more from u ….
Very well compiled answers which shows your Patience and Perseverance towards the task.
No new words from me, though we have many portals that talks abt Java, this one of yours is something special especially to beginners, fresh outs, students . Even for experianced like me, its a site to recollect things. There is no term called OLD in learnings and be proud of whatever you are doing and as a good friend of yours, i am proud of your work and proud to a part of this site , as a regular reader.
Keep up the good work and you ROCK!!
Srikanth S
Srikanth, I am so happy that you are a regular reader of javapapers. Having experienced people like you is a great support. Thanks a ton.
Can you explain about ThreadLocal in java, i think it is very useful
MR.Joe i really enjoy reading your blog. i am a beginner in java and really like the way you explain the concepts.
keep it up,and thank you for such a nice blog.
Hey Joe it is really really a best java blog, the way u write is very nice, its really simple and understandable by anyone and helps lots of people to clear their confusion. Good Work Keep It Up :)
Agreed on all points. Though I have never commented by I have read many topics here and my friends also say this is a “quality blog”. I was inspired by you and your blog and have started my own blog. The problems you’ve faced at the beginning, I’m also facing the same and I’m also learning PHP. :) My request, please don’t go for quantity and maintain this quality.
Thanks Amitabha. Good luck with your blog.
My vision is simplicity and quality. Quantity takes least priority.
Hi sir,
I have completed my java certification, I have learned a lot of things while preparing for certification.But when I read your articles I found something new,even though I know that concept previously.
I appreciate your publishing about java.please keep doing……..
Thank you……
its very useful Blog ..Joe.. Thanks alot
i love javapapers sir….
A new beginner of java, needs from basic so please give the explanation from basics,so lots more thanks..
Hi Joe,
You Can Rock,Very Helpful blog,You have your Own Pasion towards to Explanation Power,
Its Very Friendly,easy to understand with Genral Daily life live Examples..
we Support more you,
Continue You Posts,
Thank You,
Venu Gopala Reddy.
Hey Joe,
I just found your blog from a search for something. And found your explanation the most informative and easy to understand.
This made me want to explore your site further rather than getting the answer and leaving.
The article I stumbled on was written in 2008, I think it’s great your still actively updating the site and continue to share your knowledge and spend time helping others.
I’m now subscribed and look forward to working my way through older posts and receiving future updates via RSS.
Thank you.
i dont have habbit of reading blogs but for the first time it is interesting and ur journey towards this field is inspiring.
i like the design it is colorful ..
go a head sir..
thanking you..
Hi Joe, Could you please tell me how you designed this site.I am planning to start this kind of site. Please guide me.
good job for spending the time to acknowledge everyone. Humility is something everyone has to learn and you’re a good person to learn from.
Keep up the spirit,
I hope you are doing Very Well……
You writing style and crisp content is awesome .
Nice blog … starting from this basic,I am eagerly waiting for more to learn such Spring and advance of that, Hibernet ,Ibatis … so on … :) Thanks for ur great efforts taken for us
People do say .Let It be .If you enjoy this work .Be Happy .
No one can be expert .We all are learning.
You have some nice concept which I like.
You rocks. Don’t stop for any reason
Thank you Joe for this blog atleast am benefited a lot from this thank you soo much
nice answers :)
Hi Joe,
Nice to see your blog. I open it I found some new Java knowledge everytime ….
One of the best blog, I like your way of presentation
Very nice Article…
Thanks alot..
Can you explain ” ModelAndView. addObject(Object modelObject) ” with an example please?
I don’t find the proper example for that method ..
if possible , pls explain with an example..
Waiting for this…
Thanks in advance..
Good work joe..keep going …
This Blog is really helpful for me. Great Job Joe.
Keep it up,and thanks a lot.
Bhabani Padhy
Thanks for such a simple and unique blog. Keep it up.
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Yours is a great and nice Java blog i ever found! Thanks a lot!
As for the theme, I actually like it very much. Reminds me of the old school days, only difference being I am learning more about the things that I am using right now in the professional world.
Remember, you are doing the most difficult thing… expressing the complex things simply… before going to any other site, I search here first… if available, I assure myself that, I will understand the topic… don’t get disappointed on any comment… keep up the good work…
Joe you rock!!!
Thanks guys for your overwhelming support. Thank you.
what is that simpler answer?
G00D W0RK !!
Your blog is one of the best java blogs i have come across!!
& i’m loving it. It has helped me understanding Web Services & many other things. :)
I’m newly introduced to this site. i really love the way you present the articles. Wish I could have share some article.
Thanks alot Joe.
You may not like what I tell you. You should not have replied to those foolish questions. You should have just ignored it.
This post looks harsh. Especially these two Q&A’s.
Why are you not helping with my project / assignment / error?
Did I told you that i will? But still, I have helped some school kids for their assignment. Since, I was very much attracted with the problem they gave me and I felt it as a challenge.
Why are you having this design? I don’t like it.
Can you design/suggest a theme which you like. Let me see if it attracts me.
Thanks for your effort to know something you have
Thank you for your great job!
Please keep going and ignore the jerks.
This is my 1st comment….. I got this site 2 days before.
These papers are really very helpful to me,and i just wanna say that never change your way of writing.
+1. Jawahar is right