This article is to guide beginners on how to learn Java. As we grow we keep learning new things regularly. How to walk, how to eat, how to draw, how to do Maths, how to kiss, etc etc. What is common to all these things? It is and greatest of all learning is “how to learn?”.
A software architect (Guru) I know personally, once read a RESTful Services book during a flight from US to India. He read it cover to cover and he watched a movie too during that flight. He gave away the book to the team, then designed a RESTful API platform and guided us through its development.
It is all about knowing how to learn and
With the above points in mind, I have devised the following steps to learn Java.
Believe me this works, buy it. I know there are lot of online resources, newsletters, Java tutorial blogs. But nothing beats a good old book. Either a printed copy or a Kindle type of book. A pdf on a computer may not be comfortable. The device comes with lots of bundled distractions and it doesn’t work for me.
How to identify a good book. Discuss with experienced people, ask in right forums. I can tell you what worked for me. I started my Java journey long back with “Core Java Volume I and II by Cay S. Horstmann and Gary Cornell”. This is not some kind of affiliate marketing. I have read it and found it to be useful and so recommending it to you.
If you are still hesitant to invest in a book. I have got a suggestion of free ebooks and tutorials for Java available online. Java language specification is a good read, though it is not a traditional book.
Needless to say, after buying a book you should read through it. I know, it is one of the difficult and dry things to do. Read every line of the fundamentals. It is important to have a solid foundation. So how to derive interest in reading. Join a open source Java project. You may not understand in the beginning, just be there and observe the activities. Read their list-emails.
You will feel an aura and a kind of interest generated towards learning. It should give you the interest to read the book. Just stay afloat and continue. I have got 10 Interesting Java projects you can contribute and learn. These projects are from diverse area and in different stages. These might ignite your Java interest.
Ok, its not enough to drive. Need something more of a motivating factor. Start something fresh on your own. Build a Java application. Do the design, development and testing. All on your own. You want some project ideas,
Problem solving is important to learn the nuances of a language. Choose a Java forum where the activity is abuzz. Join, learn from other’s problems and try to contribute too. Do you want to know about good Java forums,
You should know what is happening around Java. Join your local Java User Group. An essential factor in Java’s growth is JUG. Each JUG is different in their intensity of operations. Mostly every JUG will have a mailing list.
Then subscribe to Java blogs. I am going to leave this part as an exercise to you. Identify good Java blogs and subscribe to it. Share the Java blog which you like in the below comments.
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Hello sir,
I’m a follower of javapapers for almost an year, but this is my first comment.
First of all thumbs up for what you are doing. Thanks for some wonderful articles.
I have a question, my trainer told us like, ‘java will be a legacy after 4 r 5 years, and you have to learn another technology to survive’. Is it so? I mean will it (java) become a legacy??
Great write-up, Joe. Thank you.
I think your blog is definitely one of the first blogs Java learners should subscribe to:)
I think, these tips can be applied to learn any technical topic.
One of the good blog i have seen !Thanks Joe your.
Never Java will be a legacy. It is getting younger with functional style. You need to keep up with other languages to understand them and have a perspective.
Again Java is here to stay!
Good Work Joe.. Like your other articles.. Keep it up…
I would like to share one of my easiest way of learning things. I am not a book lover so I involve myself in finding video tutorials in youtube to make my learning so interesting.
Here is one such useful and interesting channel in youTube “New Think Tank”. Please suggest this to your followers if you like this idea.
In all honesty, it was a very readable book, a very long flight, and I was on anti-jetlag drugs that kept me awake…. :)
But still completing a tech book in one sitting is not so easy. Given all the comforts of the home, I didn’t complete that book. Quick reading and grasping the key ingredients is an art. Need to work on that technique :)
Quite a pleasant read Joe, But what I follow while learning java on daily basis to watch youtube videos and download some cool java apps on mobile, that will give you small topics to cover up on the go, it will also give you ample time to ponder upon quick read you had on the GO !!….its amazing way to ponder over Java.
Dear Sir,
My Name is yasin. I Want to learn the basics of the java language. can you please share some videos and books about learning java.