Guys move to Java SE7, if you have not already done. We will not get any further public updates from Oracle for Java SE6 after February 2013. There is one last planned update which is coming up in February 2013.
Previously the last planned public update was November 2012 and it was extended to Feb 2013. After the public support ends, there is a premier Java SE support program available for which you may need $.
Its been more than a year now since we had Java SE7 and it comes with great features like nio package. So don’t hesitate to move on it will be worth doing.
I have written an earlier article about End of Service Life which was written when Java SE 5 reached its end. In comparison with Java SE5, SE6 got one additional year of public update. But a news to note is, Java SE will get public updates for only three years, in comparison with SE6 it is only half of the duration.
Comments are closed for "End of Public Update for Java SE6 has Come".
Yeah, updating should be done. But be sure to check for possible compatibility issues
Especially the behaviour change in Formatter.format() is mean.
i have found java 7 difficult
I have found java 7 is bit difficult,all the best..
I am looking forward for your blog/article/paper on polymorphism.I am providing the code which inspired me to request you.
class Animal
void makeSound()
System.out.println(“making sound”);
System.out.println(“Animal before making sound”);
System.out.println(“Animal after making sound”);
class Dog extends Animal
String sound= “BowWow”;
Dog(String sound)
this.sound= sound;
System.out.println(“Dog.Dog(), sound= “+sound);
void makeSound()
System.out.println(“Dog.makeSound(), sound= “+sound);
public class Pet
public static void main(String args[])
new Dog(“bark”);
Please, explain Polymorphism, with reference to this example.