Eclipse Shortcuts
Last modified on September 7th, 2014 by Joe.
Editors are an integral part of a programmer’s life. If you have good proficiency in using an editor thats a great advantage. It comes very handy to debug. Traditional notepad and SOPs (System.out.println) are the way we start learning a language but that is not sufficient, so beginners start using an IDE and most importantly know the shortcuts.
For java developers there is a huge list and some popular areEclipse, Netbeans, IntelliJ Idea. I use Eclipse as my IDE and vim as a light weight editor.

This article is for those who use or intend to use Eclipse as IDE. Keyboard shortcuts are very important for comfortable and quick editing. I have abridged the following list of eclipse shortcuts from my own experience and literature.
There is a huge list of eclipse shortcuts available but I have listed only the most essential ones that you may need daily. Download this list as a pdf formatted for single page.
File Navigation – Eclipse Shortcuts
- CTRL SHIFT R – Open a resource. You need not know the path and just part of the file name is enough.
- CTRL E – Open a file (editor) from within the list of all open files.
- CTRL PAGE UP or PAGE DOWN – Navigate to previous or next file from within the list of all open files.
- ALT <- or ALT -> – Go to previous or next edit positions from editor history list.
Java Editing – Eclipse Shortcuts
- CTRL SPACE – Type assist
- CTRL SHIFT F – Format code.
- CTRL O – List all methods of the class and again CTRL O lists including inherited methods.
- CTRL SHIFT O – Organize imports.
- CTRL SHIFT U – Find reference in file.
- CTRL / – Comment a line.
- F3 – Go to the declaration of the variable.
- F4 – Show type hierarchy of on a class.
- CTRL T – Show inheritance tree of current token.
- SHIFT F2 – Show Javadoc for current element.
- ALT SHIFT Z – Enclose block in try-catch.
General Editing – Eclipse Shortcuts
- F12 – Focus on current editor.
- CTRL L – Go to line number.
- CTRL D – Delete a line.
- CTRL <- or -> – Move one element left or right.
- CTRL M – Maximize editor.
- CTRL SHIFT P – Go to the matching parenthesis.
Debug, Run – Eclipse Shortcuts
- CTRL . or , – Navigate to next or previous error.
- F5 – Step into.
- F6 – Step over.
- F8 – Resume
- CTRL Q – Inspect.
- CTRL F11 – Run last run program.
- CTRL 1 – Quick fix code.
Search – Eclipse Shortcuts
- CTRL SHIFT G – Search for current cursor positioned word reference in workspace
- CTRL H – Java search in workspace.
Download eclipse shortcuts list as a single page pdf. You can stick it for quick reference in your workstation.
very helpful!
Great, Thanks for your post,
Another missing command are:
for listing all shortcuts
Thanks JOe……..very help ful to meeeeeee
thank you….. :)
great work man
Very Helpfull…-:)
Thanks…….very help full website…..
Thanks a lot it is very useful for every one who r using Eclipse.
Could you please send the connection pooling concept in step by step form.
Thanks & Regards
Nagarjuna Yerrapothu
In eclipse press CTRL+ SHIFT+L you will get all the lists or help –> key Assist
Yes, I should have included CTRL + ALT + L. I will update the article. Thanks.
Thanks a ton JOE
It was helpful…u did good to a bunch of new developers…thanx
very nice article. It’s really helpfull…
Thank u Joe
Helpful article…Thanks
Good article..With these keywords, Eclipse will become a powerful editor and make the work very easy.
I am really glad to see your blog has grown big. From the comments I see here, I am sure you are doing a fantastic job!
Thank you for always choosing the bestest topics:) I’m sorry I love Java as it is…because you would made me love it just by reading your blog:)
Thanks good explanation….
It helps a lot for beginners….
Thanks very much….
also add CTRL SHIFT T means searching java file from jars
excellent for quick Reference….sunil
was very Useful…..Thank You….
Ctrl K or Ctrl Shift K is also helpful for finding a similar text or same String
Very helpful short cuts..
Great sharing.. Very very Important information..:)
Good thanks !
Useful post Joe Thanks alot!
Very helpfull!!!!!
Very useful sir…..
Very good list.
One more shortcut I use often is CTRL K to find occurrence of selected string in the file.
very useful
Thanks sir,these are the shortcuts that are really necessary for a programmer to know.
Thanks Joe,
Really appreciate for this Eclipse shortcuts
Thanks alot……:)
Very nice tutorials – Joe
Its very helpful.
thank you
Nice Article… Useful work
Searched a lot on the web, and this is the most simple and useful thing I found in the end.,
many thanks
Thanks for this.. :)
thanx a lot,
One more option is cntrl+o lists all the methods in a class
very good thanks i really want it
Hi All,
Well done i am just looking for this type of blog finally i got it from you…
Plz Give me Netbeans shortcuts
Awesome blog :)
[…] version 3 latest available now. SpringSource provides a tool suite (STS) IDE which is based on Eclipse to develop Spring based applications. But, my personal choice for now is to continue with Eclipse […]
Really a true Nice Blog to follow!!
Thanks a lot for providing clear and precise explanations with exampleas in all the topics.
Thanks a lot…… too helpful info…!!!!
Hi Joe,
Very informative articles.
Thanks a lot for sharing knowledge.
Thanks !!!!
Thanks a lot…… for the sharing Knowledge
Thank is very helpful for all and java beginers
[…] going through this tutorial, I recommend you to have a look at Eclipse shortcuts and it will really help. My Eclipse version is Juno as of writing this […]
Thank you for your list !!
Good,Thanks sir.
I like your blog,it looks comfortable!!The passage is really useful…
Thanks Joe, for Ur blogs. These are really helpful for most of us.
please do write on hadoop.
so… beneficial
Thanks it really helpful……… time saving…… i like CTRL+SHIFT+R
it it not CTRL + ALT + L for listing Commands. but it is CTRL + shift + L.
Two more important commands as follows:
1> CTRL + W –> to close each opened file
2> CTRL + SHIFT +W —> to close all files which are opened.
Hi Joe,
CTRL SHIFT F – It is formatting only java files.
May i know the format code of jsp & xml files.
I dont know how can I say thanks to you why because each and every topic material made by you is simply super
Really helpfull..Thank u Sir
you can use this key CTRL+SHIFT+F format and align the code in a perfect manner.
keep rocking..!
can any one tell the diff b/n for loop and for each…
in for each we are taking collections and where as for we are taking for loop where is collection…
Very helpful sir :) Really easy learning of JAVA from your blog.. thanks alot sir :)
Very Helpful. Thank you
Hi fiends,
how to convert bunch of .class files into java source code files?
waiting for reply..:)
thnks a lot
A very helpful list indeed, especially the pdf version for the workstation. It might as well include CTRL + I for Indentation if you have strict checkstyle standards to adhere to.
great work sir..excellent…ur site seems to be so wonderful .your site encourage me to bulld a site…
so cute webpage…ur site seems to be so wonderful .your site encourage me to bulld a site…
Thanks a lot for your efforts. It’s really helpful.
its very useful
thnks very helpful..
Thank u sir.
Cntrl + Shift + L
thanks for tutorial
can u plz tel me hw to set line numbers in eclipse?
Very helpful tips..
Go to window->preferences->General->Editors->Texteditors->ShowLineNumbers
its awesome..
Thank you sir………
Great work sir, Very very helpful, there is another shut cut for rename or refactor same valued variables.
Hi sir, you are helping us so much. I am very wonder on this website, Thanks to you sir.
Thank you so much… you blog is awesome
Thanks for the compilation, very useful short cuts
Another one..
ALT+F4 for closing eclipse.
Thanks so much for providing Eclipse shut cut ..
very helpful!
most-used shortcuts
my netbean shows an authentication password when i m run any program on tomcat apache server, and not any other server as a glassfish server is run completely.plz hellp me sir
Useful information.
thank you joe, this tuto is very helpfull
Joe, you forget Ctrl C and Ctrl V :D
Hi Joe.
Nice website. Keep going. It is a best site i ever seen, where everyone will get what they are looking for. Good Work Dude
configure ur environmental variables
Control Panel>>All Control Panel Items>>System>> change settings>>advanced>>
environmental variables>>add>>
variable=HOME and value=C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_10(change it according to ur path)
[…] Eclipse you have programmed shortcuts like ctrl + spac to help you […]
thans a lot.
Thanks for the compilation, very useful short cuts..
any way ,thx a lot.
if i passed F12 key there is no changes in current editor..plz explain me to work currectly the F12 key
It’s very much useful information. for developer who are using eclipse
Nice article to speed u programming.It would be helpful if you provide functional shortcuts like :
System.out.println = sysout+ctrl+space
Use DJ Decompiler a tools which helps u to regenerate class file from.class files
how to enable the paint editor in Eclipse
Hi Joe,
I have been using eclipse for more than 3 years. It is good to know the shortcuts while working on java in eclipse.
I have another one shortcut in eclipse. If you press CTRL + SHIFT + L in eclipse, you will get all the shortcut keys in eclipse.
Thanks and keep going …!