In this article, I will brief about what is TFTP protocol and implement a TFTP client using Java. TFTP stands for Trivial File Transfer Protocol. It is a simple protocol used to transfer files. It is implemented on top of Datagram protocol (UDP).
In comparison with FTP protocol, it is very simple. It does not have authentication, it cannot list files in directory and so on. FTP has a rich set of features. TFTP can just read or write to/from a remote server.
OPCODE | Operation |
1 | Read Request (RRQ) |
2 | Write Request (WRQ) |
3 | Date (DATA) |
4 | Acknowledgment (ACK) |
5 | Error (ERROR) |
Each packet will contain a TFTP header and it will contain the OPCODE of that packet.
If you are looking for a Java TFTP client with NIO then, refer Java NIO TFTP client tutorial.
Following Java program implements the TFTP protocol and builds a TFTP client. Scope of the client is to GET files from a remote TFTP server. I have used Java standard networking packages to implement. I have also got another TFTP client entirely built using Java NIO package. In the coming days I will publish it too. If future, I will enhance this implementation to cover all the features including WRITE file to TFTP server.
package com.javapapers.java.net; import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream; import java.io.DataOutputStream; import java.io.FileOutputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.OutputStream; import java.net.DatagramPacket; import java.net.DatagramSocket; import java.net.InetAddress; public class TFTPClientNet { /* * TFTP Protocol As per RFC 1350 opcode - operation 1 - Read request (RRQ) 2 * - Write request (WRQ) 3 - Data (DATA) 4 - Acknowledgment (ACK) 5 - Error * (ERROR) */ private static final String TFTP_SERVER_IP = ""; private static final int TFTP_DEFAULT_PORT = 69; // TFTP OP Code private static final byte OP_RRQ = 1; private static final byte OP_DATAPACKET = 3; private static final byte OP_ACK = 4; private static final byte OP_ERROR = 5; private final static int PACKET_SIZE = 516; private DatagramSocket datagramSocket = null; private InetAddress inetAddress = null; private byte[] requestByteArray; private byte[] bufferByteArray; private DatagramPacket outBoundDatagramPacket; private DatagramPacket inBoundDatagramPacket; public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { String fileName = "TFTP.pdf"; TFTPClientNet tFTPClientNet = new TFTPClientNet(); tFTPClientNet.get(fileName); } private void get(String fileName) throws IOException { // STEP0: prepare for communication inetAddress = InetAddress.getByName(TFTP_SERVER_IP); datagramSocket = new DatagramSocket(); requestByteArray = createRequest(OP_RRQ, fileName, "octet"); outBoundDatagramPacket = new DatagramPacket(requestByteArray, requestByteArray.length, inetAddress, TFTP_DEFAULT_PORT); // STEP 1: sending request RRQ to TFTP server fo a file datagramSocket.send(outBoundDatagramPacket); // STEP 2: receive file from TFTP server ByteArrayOutputStream byteOutOS = receiveFile(); // STEP 3: write file to local disc writeFile(byteOutOS, fileName); } private ByteArrayOutputStream receiveFile() throws IOException { ByteArrayOutputStream byteOutOS = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); int block = 1; do { System.out.println("TFTP Packet count: " + block); block++; bufferByteArray = new byte[PACKET_SIZE]; inBoundDatagramPacket = new DatagramPacket(bufferByteArray, bufferByteArray.length, inetAddress, datagramSocket.getLocalPort()); //STEP 2.1: receive packet from TFTP server datagramSocket.receive(inBoundDatagramPacket); // Getting the first 4 characters from the TFTP packet byte[] opCode = { bufferByteArray[0], bufferByteArray[1] }; if (opCode[1] == OP_ERROR) { reportError(); } else if (opCode[1] == OP_DATAPACKET) { // Check for the TFTP packets block number byte[] blockNumber = { bufferByteArray[2], bufferByteArray[3] }; DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(byteOutOS); dos.write(inBoundDatagramPacket.getData(), 4, inBoundDatagramPacket.getLength() - 4); //STEP 2.2: send ACK to TFTP server for received packet sendAcknowledgment(blockNumber); } } while (!isLastPacket(inBoundDatagramPacket)); return byteOutOS; } private void sendAcknowledgment(byte[] blockNumber) { byte[] ACK = { 0, OP_ACK, blockNumber[0], blockNumber[1] }; // TFTP Server communicates back on a new PORT // so get that PORT from in bound packet and // send acknowledgment to it DatagramPacket ack = new DatagramPacket(ACK, ACK.length, inetAddress, inBoundDatagramPacket.getPort()); try { datagramSocket.send(ack); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } private void reportError() { String errorCode = new String(bufferByteArray, 3, 1); String errorText = new String(bufferByteArray, 4, inBoundDatagramPacket.getLength() - 4); System.err.println("Error: " + errorCode + " " + errorText); } private void writeFile(ByteArrayOutputStream baoStream, String fileName) { try { OutputStream outputStream = new FileOutputStream(fileName); baoStream.writeTo(outputStream); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /* * TFTP packet data size is maximum 512 bytes on last packet it will be less * than 512 bytes */ private boolean isLastPacket(DatagramPacket datagramPacket) { if (datagramPacket.getLength() < 512) return true; else return false; } /* * RRQ / WRQ packet format * * 2 bytes - Opcode; string - filename; 1 byte - 0; string - mode; 1 byte - * 0; */ private byte[] createRequest(final byte opCode, final String fileName, final String mode) { byte zeroByte = 0; int rrqByteLength = 2 + fileName.length() + 1 + mode.length() + 1; byte[] rrqByteArray = new byte[rrqByteLength]; int position = 0; rrqByteArray[position] = zeroByte; position++; rrqByteArray[position] = opCode; position++; for (int i = 0; i < fileName.length(); i++) { rrqByteArray[position] = (byte) fileName.charAt(i); position++; } rrqByteArray[position] = zeroByte; position++; for (int i = 0; i < mode.length(); i++) { rrqByteArray[position] = (byte) mode.charAt(i); position++; } rrqByteArray[position] = zeroByte; return rrqByteArray; } }
To run this Java TFTP client program, you need a TFTP server. Use this linked article to setup TFTP server, download and follow the steps given.
Thanks to Karthik for requesting me to write this Java TFTP client.
Comments are closed for "Java TFTP Client".
Thanks Joe. The information you provided is very much useful.
I am trying to implement TFTP client using Java NIO. This is the code i have written
DatagramChannel client=DatagramChannel.open();
SocketAddress address = new java.net.InetSocketAddress(host,69);
ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(512);
client.send(buffer, address);
On execution, am seeing failure message in TFTP server
Connection received from on port 58412 [20/05 09:56:28.783]
Unexpected request 0 from peer [20/05 09:56:28.783]
Returning EBADOP to Peer [20/05 09:56:28.783]
Can you help me in where am going wrong
Hi Joe,
Can you please send TFTPClient code implemented using NIO concept?
for TFTP client using Java NIO