This log4j post is a tutorial post describing different levels of logging in log4j. This is for log4j beginners only but if you wish to refresh, go ahead and enjoy!
Log4j logger contains three main components namely logger, appender and layout. Logger takes care of the logging mechanism and deals with level of logging. Log4j provides five standard levels of logging. There are two more special levels given by log4j. Above all these, log4j allows you to create custom levels.
This log4j level helps developer to debug application. Level of message logged will be focused on providing support to a application developer.
This log4j level gives the progress and chosen state information. This level will be generally useful for end user. This level is one level higher than DEBUG.
This log4j level gives a warning about an unexpected event to the user. The messages coming out of this level may not halt the progress of the system.
This log4j level gives information about a serious error which needs to be addressed and may result in unstable state. This level is one level higher than WARN.
This log4j level is straightforward and you don’t get it quite often. Once you get this level and it indicates application death.
This log4j level is used to turn on all levels of logging. Once this is configured and the levels are not considered.
This log4j level is opposite to ALL level. It turns off all the logging.
This log4j level gives more detailed information than the DEBUG level and sits top of the hierarchy. This level is introduced from version 1.2.12 in log4j.
Log4j’s levels are mostly sufficient for all common applications. Rarely you may need a new Level apart from the levels provided by log4j. In that case you can extend org.apache.log4j.Level class and have your own custom level implementation.
When a logger is created, generally you assign a level. The logger outputs all those messages equal to that level and also all greater levels than it. So the order for the standard log4j levels are:
Log4J Levels |
TRACE Level | DEBUG Level | INFO Level | WARN Level | ERROR Level | FATAL Level |
TRACE Level | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y |
DEBUG Level | N | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y |
INFO Level | N | N | Y | Y | Y | Y |
WARN Level | N | N | N | Y | Y | Y |
ERROR Level | N | N | N | N | Y | Y |
FATAL Level | N | N | N | N | N | Y |
ALL Level | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y |
OFF Level | N | N | N | N | N | N |
There can be instances when you don’t assign a level to the logger. In such cases log4j handles it seamlessly based on the following level inheritance rule:
The inherited level for a given logger C, is equal to the first non-null level in the logger hierarchy, starting at C and proceeding upwards in the hierarchy towards the root logger.
That means, if you have a package as com.foo.bar and you didn’t allocate a level, then it will inherit the level from com.foo package. Still in that package also if the level is not available, then it will inherit from the log4j root level. The log4j’s root logger is instantiated and available always. Log4j’s root logger by default has DEBUG level.
Comments are closed for "Log4J Levels".
Thanks a lot Joseph.
Could you give a sample example. How can we turn on or off the logger. Is there way to redirect the log message to standard output?
Thanks for sending blog material
awesome tutorial.
I like this theme also.
Nice one dude
good one…
keep posting…..
how to i separate the jvm info in console and application info into .log file
Gud material Dude………….
Good one ..i want some example code..can u post the code for logs..
This is quick informative article. Thanks -sant.
quick summary.. thanks… shams
hi joe, still i am not getting when to use a particular level like debug info warn error and fatal
please help with a example
The table was very helpful, thx!
Thanks for simple and useful article
If you want monitoring Log4j at runtime in your web application, and change the level of a logger, can use Log4j Web Tracker.
[…] a professional logger like log4j provides different levels for logging. We can seggregate the log message accordingly. For example, X messages should be […]
what is purpose of log4j in java??
still now i don’t know
pls help me
what is purpose of log4j in java?
still now i don’t know
pls help me
Hi Sir…..,
Very nice and thank you soo much.
really good way the them is thought.
Very good collection of all topic s… Got inspiration from you to do something healthier .
Thanks so much Joe and your family.
Nice one !!!
Thanks for the nice information………….
i want to send only specific msg into logfile .our require ment is to maintain some particular details like uid chainId etc …into logfile
i’m interested in redirecting log messages from a method “abc” in package “xyz” to go to a specific log file “pqr”. I dont want all the logger messages from package xyz to go to “pqr” but just from that one method (“abc”) in the package.
How do i achieve this?
thank u in advance
nice information
and thank you for given this information..
very gud article…..
but how to impliment logging facility in our application plz send example
[…] lets leave JCL and look at underlying logging framework. We want to use Log4j as the underlying logging component how do we do it. Assume we are using commons-logging then it is […]
very nice
This is what is precisely needed! Very crisply explained!
nicely written…
Thala plz change your(Joe) photo .
Eventhough u hv done many things, ur photo is not looking good
Thank you. very nice explanation
Thanks. The chart in the “Log4j Logger Output” section was very helpful.
I need some Log4j and ajax material which i can easily understand do needful
private Logger log = Logger.getLogger(ClassName.class);
public void MyMehodABC()
log.info(“we are in MyMethodABC”);
// code
For this you have to configure log4j.properties file for configuring where too display this file.
Using log4j you can manage logging mechanism in File, Console etc etc…
catch(Exception e)
Dear…. Its your application related logging mechanism that when you have to use which level of logging.
Whenever you feel that you want to make Test cases for your program at that time its better to write debug level in every methods of program so if any error occured during the execution then you will find out that in which situation you have to felt down your contrl over the application.
Generally fatal error is the highest priority based error.
It’s very nice to read.could u please provide some Examples.
helo joe,
how restart java daemon on unix ?
svcs can’t help me, especially svcadm
Thank you very much! Very useful information.
gud one
Really very nice :)
Welcome Dmitry.
Thanks Rahul
Welcome Steve.
Welcome Arvind
how to generate a valid xml output by useing XmlLayout in log4j
Hi Joe,
Could you please let us know if it is necessary to restart the application server every time the logging level are changed? I tried it without restarting the server, it doesn’t work. Just wanted to know if there is a way to change the logging level without restarting the server.
Can you please provide one sample example for Custom log4j levels
Thanks for your time. Always that I have a doubt respect log levels I come back to this article.
Hi Joe,
Can you give java example for disable logging(like axis logs,etc… )??
Thanks in Advance..
how to only one level log it means i want print the only warn statemens
if i enable log level to fatal but log level enable as debug
How to create custom logger level and how to set message in that?
How to create custom logger level and how to set message in that?